Sunday, October 4, 2020

Time Strategies

 The articles I chose for this task were :

  • How to Beat Procrastination by Caroline Webb
  • 11 Ways Unsuccessful People Mismanage Their Time by Áine Cain

  • I chose these two articles because personally I struggle a lot with procrastination and I felt I'd learn a lot from both. The first I was hoping would teach me better ways to avoid procrastinating and that the second would help me to identify the mistakes I may not realise I am making with my current time management.  

    After my reading of these articles I have come to the conclusion that I am definitely a procrastinator, This is something that I really want to work on this year and I feel that having done this reading I'll be able to confidently work towards a more progressive time management schedule. 

    From the first article by Caroline Webb I have learned that I need to visualise, pre-commit and confront. I like how she talked about this process because it is something that I generally struggle to do to, I usually see the task as one big scary thing and i procrastinate till the last second. Webb teaches us to break the actions up to feel smaller, to identify the very first smallest step and work from there, this makes the overall task seem much less daunting in my opinion. 

    The second article by Aine Cain, allowed me to identify a lot of issues I was having with my own time management. I was guilty of many of the things named in her list, some of which I wasn't even aware I had been doing! Thankfully I can now see a lot of the mistakes I have been making and can actively avoid these mistakes. For example she talks about scheduling, keeping good records, prioritising and setting goals. These are all things I'm hoping to improve on and include in my daily life moving forward this year. 

    (image found on pinterest- )

    Thanks for reading :)

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