Thursday, December 3, 2020

Unity tutorial 09

 This week I chose to continue doing the provided unity tutorial because although it would be very beneficial to do one more related to my game I felt I would prefer to have a bit of a break from my own game. I am enjoying creating my game but sitting for hours staring at the same thing can get a little tiring without taking some time away from it. I found it really refreshing doing this because I was still learning and progressing on unity but this game was much easier and a lot more fun to make than some of the tutorials recently and a good way to step away from my game for a bit.

I did the Unity tutorials 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3, this was to create a game similar to Fruit Ninja which is a game I used to play a lot when I was younger so that also helped make this tutorial that bit more enjoyable. We learned a lot of new things with these tutorials, it brought in new elements like an opening screen where the player can choose the difficulty level for the game, a scoreboard throughout the game and a game over screen at the end with a button to replay the game. These new elements really make the game feel so much more professional and help to give an overall more enjoyable experience as its now fully playable and super easy and clear. 

(My screenshot from the unity website)

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