Thursday, December 10, 2020

Unity Tutorial 10

 For this weeks unity tutorial i continued on to finish what I had been doing last week, I did lesson 5.4 and challenge 5. Continuing the lesson on was easy enough as there was only one part left and of course I had the tutorial to follow alongside. In this last section of the lesson we learned to add three new buttons which would set the difficulty to either Easy, Medium or Hard. The harder the setting, the quicker the objects would spawn. 

(My screenshot from the unity website)

Like always I went into the challenge hoping to try figure it out all on my own, and then I look at the hints, and then I'm still confused so I take to youtube to help me. The difficulty buttons were messed up, the score wasn't being counted, the restart button was missing and overall it was just a mess. I did attempt to fix it on my own for a while but I couldn't get it. I found someone on youtube who works through the challenges and its really helpful because he shows his process of figuring it out and tells you why he's doing each thing which helps me to actually understand it. 

Thanks for reading :)

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